1. What surprised you?
The part where it tells you to note what annoys me and think of how I can improve the design was really interesting.
2. What did you already know?
I already knew that there are websites to create your own designs for shoes, cars, and anything else you can possibly design on your own. But the websites were really cool.
3. Brand new words
acuity: sharpness
consigned: to hand over or deliver
saltshakers: container to put salt in with a lid to shake salt out
seminal: containing seed
4. What changes will you make?
I should carry around little notebooks to jot down cool and, or bad designs.
Also, I am planning on going to the interior design field trip.
5. Further questions
-Isn't there enough designs that once we start creating more, it would just be a mess and people would look for originals?
6. Life connections
I could relate to the annoyance talk. Sometimes even with my house structure, I get annoyed and some designs (ex. scissors, pens, mouse (computer), calculator, and many other things). Small things can really make big differences.
7. Other comments
The part where it tells you to note what annoys me and think of how I can improve the design was really interesting.
2. What did you already know?
I already knew that there are websites to create your own designs for shoes, cars, and anything else you can possibly design on your own. But the websites were really cool.
3. Brand new words
acuity: sharpness
consigned: to hand over or deliver
saltshakers: container to put salt in with a lid to shake salt out
seminal: containing seed
4. What changes will you make?
I should carry around little notebooks to jot down cool and, or bad designs.
Also, I am planning on going to the interior design field trip.
5. Further questions
-Isn't there enough designs that once we start creating more, it would just be a mess and people would look for originals?
6. Life connections
I could relate to the annoyance talk. Sometimes even with my house structure, I get annoyed and some designs (ex. scissors, pens, mouse (computer), calculator, and many other things). Small things can really make big differences.
7. Other comments
-_- . reflect
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