Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg.207-244

1) What surprised you?
I didn't know that captions require "rhythm, brevity, and surprise". Meaning being a combination of external circumstances and internal will was new to me. I didn't know that neurotheology is the relationship between the brain and spiritual experience. Also, the fact that companies that acknowledged spiritual values and aligned them with company goals outperforming those that did not was interesting.

2) What did you already know?
I read Who Moved My Cheese when I was young!

3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
sadistic: enjoyment in being cruel
ghastly: shockingly frightful or dreadful
contemplation: thoughtful observation
demographic: of pertaining the science of vital and social statistics
hovers: to hang fluttering or suspended in the air
deluging: to flood
reverence: a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe
beatific: blessings, happiness
gabfest: a gathering at which there is a great deal of conversation
maladies: any disorder or disease of the body
allay: to put (fear, doubt, suspicion, anger, etc.) to rest
infirm: to invalidate
ensue: to follow in order
ineluctably: incapable of being evaded
fable: a short tale to teach a moral lesson
introspection: observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state
mantra: a word or formula
etched: to cut, bite, or corrode with an acid or the like
harrowing: extremely disturbing
maw: the mouth, throat, or gullet of an animal
vantage: a position, condition, or place affording some advantage or a commanding view

4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
I found a labyrinth in Langley! 50th ave, 201A street :D Let's all go visit! Also, I am not going to take a sabbath....

5) What questions has this left you with?
-What exactly does "happiness" do to improve your life? Or is it something else that improves your life that results in happiness?

-Why do mazes engage the left brain and labyrinths free the right brain?

-How does taking a sabbath help lessen stress? Wouldn't it be more stressful for those who are almost "addicted" to busy life?

6) What connections have you made to real life?
I actually sometimes go to elementary school playground and sit on a swing, listening to music. It is really relaxing and meditating. :)

7) What is the word of the day?

Saving - save the animals, children, will help make a better world!

8) Additional comments.
Finally, we finished this book. I really liked his way of presenting the ideas. It was not too formal and it was pretty easy to understand. I also liked little bit of humour here and there.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg. 185-205

1) What surprised you?
I didn't know that playing activates the right side of your brain. It is surprising that big companies such as Nokia, Daimler-Chrysler, and Alcatel have brought in consultants in "Serious Play" a technique that uses Lego building to train corporate executives. It is interesting that the US military made a game to attract people to boost recruiting for the armed forces. I did not know 40% of game players are women and that Americans spend more on video games than they do on movie tickets. Also doctors playing GameCube decreasing the number of mistakes and increasing the speed of task is interesting.

2) What did you already know?
It wasn't surprising to know that 100% of college students have played video games.

3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
convene- to come together
self-anointed- to rub or sprinkle on
sober- habitually temperate
insubordination- not submitting to authority
sacked- to dismiss or discharge
breach- the act or a result of breaking
quarantined- strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease
grimness- stern and admitting of no appeasement or compromise
commingling- to mix or mingle together
insolvency- bankruptcy
stellar- of or pertaining to the stars
zany- clownish
jester- a person who is given to witticisms, jokes, and pranks
imbue- to impregnate or inspire
frivolousness- characterized by lack of seriousness
treacherous- deceptive
cadets- a student in a national service academy or private military school or on a training ship
gauzy- transparently thin and light
maneuvering- a planned and regulated movement or evolution of troops, warships, etc
endeavors- to exert oneself to do or effect something
thwarting- to oppose successfully
wielding- to exercise :power, authority, influence, etc
clonked- a low, dull sound of impact
deployed- to spread out
conundrum- a riddle
volatile- evaporating rapidly
resurgence- rising or tending to rise again
lampooned- to mock or ridicule
calisthenics- gymnastic exercises designed to develop physical health and vigor, usually performed with little or no special apparatus
guffaws- a loud, unrestrained burst of laughter
pulsating- to vibrate
rampant- violent in action or spirit

4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
-Maybe try out video games...??

5) What questions has this left you with?
-It seems like video games have many benefits, but isn't there more bad effects from video games than good ones? Is it worth it then?

-Did the US military's stratage work? Why did they make it free?

-What if people get more violent and aggressive from playing too much game?

-In the previous chapter, it said women have more empathy, (more right brain work) but more men are good at games (right brain) why?

6) What connections have you made to real life?
"He who laughs last doesn't get it"
It took my a while to get it :D

7) What is the word of the day?
Dilemma - people make thousands of decisions everyday, but it is a dilemma every time.

8) Additional comments.
"Laughter...doesn't make two plus two equal four. Two plus two can equal sixty-four."
I think this quote is really cool.