Friday, May 21, 2010

[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg. 175-184

1) What surprised you?
It was cool to find out that eavesdropping is an important way to strengthen empathy.
Also, doctors playing actors sounds really interesting.

2) What did you already know?

I think being an actor is a good job, because you can really knows what is is like to be in someone else's shoes. I like to make cards too ~ ><

3) Any new words? Provide definitions.

a psychological theory or analytical method based on the belief that certain mental faculties and character traits are indicated by the configurations of the skull

uncanny: having or seeming to have a supernatural or inexplicable basis

artifacts: any object made by human beings

arduous: requiring great exertion

duplicitous: marked or characterized by duplicity

perplexing: to cause to be puzzled or bewildered over what is not understood or certain

ancillary: subordinate

4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?

I want to take acting classes.

5) What questions has this left you with?

-Seriously, do you get paid?
-Can you stop advertising?
-If doctors can pretend to be actors, what does that do?

6) What connections have you made to real life?

I think it is good to feel in someone else's position and learn what it is like to be in their shoes.

7) What is the word of the day?

understanding - in order for people to learn new things, people need to not only understand facts, but others too.

8) Additional comments.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg.146-174

1) What surprised you?

I didn't know empathy is the ability to imagine yourself in someone else's position. It was also interesting to find out that the person who discovered that all mammals have emotions was Charles Darwin! (the guy who made me study for hours on evolution :D)I think it is cool that aphasics can detect liars more than 70% of the time.

2) What did you already know?

I knew facial expressions were universal! (especially smiles) Also that reading facial expressions has to do with right hemisphere. <- a cool picture!

3) Any new words? Provide definitions.

stymied: a situation or problem presenting such difficulties as to discourage

pollsters: a person whose occupation is the taking of public-opinion polls

inertia: sluggishness enliven: to make vigorous or active

guzzled: to drink, or sometimes eat, greedily, frequently, or plentifully

inkling: a slight suggestion or indication

attuning: to bring into accord, harmony, or sympathetic relationship

contending: to struggle in opposition

scaffolding: a scaffold or system of scaffolds

unpresidential: not pertaining to a president or presidency

languished: to be or become weak or feeble

fibbing: a small or trivial lie

subtleties: the state or quality of being subtle

conspicuous: easily seen or noticed prickle: a sharp point

anthrax: an infectious, often fatal disease of cattle, sheep, and other mammals, caused by Bacillus anthracis

attunement: being or bringing into harmony

intonation: the pattern or melody of pitch changes in connected speech

inferring: to derive by reasoning

4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?

I started carrying a notebook for designs, now I guess I should use it to make a metaphor log.

5) What questions has this left you with?

-Does Daniel Pink get paid for mentioning all these books, people, and companies? (wow...)

-If the only way babies can express their emotion is through face, does that mean babies develop right hemisphere before left?

-Is there anything else that is different in women and men other than empathy?

-If there is, what accounts for the difference? (chemicals? structures? hormone?)

6) What connections have you made to real life?

I was happy that what I do, going to one website and ending up on a totally different topic, is a good thing to do.

7) What is the word of the day?

discovery - I think (from reading this) people have to encounter different things. It does not always come to them, sometimes they have to take a step. We discovered new things, and finally flew! But, only to discover more.

8) Additional comments.
I don't see the negative space in the kisses thing.