1) What surprised you?
I had never heard of StoryBooth! I think it is really cool and people should build more in different places. I think it is a great way to have fun while learning something about someone else. I wsa also surprised that many engineering deadlocks have been broken by people who are not engineers at all. The quote "What I do is pattern recognition. I try to recognize the pattern before anyone else does" was very interesting too.
2) What did you already know?
I had an idea that the prefix 'multi' is becoming important. Now, everything requires more than one function and people are wanting less time consuming, but better working products.
3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
shellacked: to coat or treat with lac that has been purified
cornpone: of or characteristic of an unsophisticated rural person
riff: a melodic phrase, often constantly repeated
adorn: to decorate or add beauty to
hone: a precision tool with a mechanically rotated abrasive tip
bestow: to present as a gift
elude: to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery
androgynous: being both male and female
confectionary: a candy; sweetmeat
frilly: covered with or marked by frills
4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
I think I really should start writing "something". It will help me with creativity and I would develop writing skills from it. However....I should read more first. ^^;;;;;;
5) What questions has this left you with?
-(To Sid Caesar) Who are you to say that the guy who invented the wheel was an idiot? You should be thankful.
-On page 143 he says "many of us are crunched for time, deluged by information, and paralyzed by the weight of too many choices". This will never decrease with all the new inventions and creations. Will it?
-How can one feel like their life is a journey when it really feels like a treadmill?
-How can you start recognizing the 'negative space' from space?
6) What connections have you made to real life?
When he says what he had drawn at first was symbol of what he knew, not what it is, I could relate it to last night. My essay was full of symbols of what I knew vaguely, not what really was there.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg. 100-116
1. What surprised you?
It surprised me that a young boy can now find the kind of information that a librarian at Cambridge University would have found fifteen years ago, just as fast. It was interesting to read that the author thinks that 'the hero's journey' is the underlying story of this book. Also I have never heard of Robert McKee. I think it is really cool that his students have gone on to win 26 Academy awards.
http://www.mckeestory.com/about.php <- Robert McKee's website
2. What did you already know?
I knew that some medical schools and hospitals are now trying to examine the patient's life, not just their illness alone. I also knew that many people are now incorporating stories into their business to attract people's attention.
3. New words
factoid: an insignificant or trivial fact
peril: exposure to injury
felicitous: well-suited for the occasion
encapsulate: to place in or as if in a capsule
abyss: a deep, immeasurable space
irascible: easily provoked to anger
nascent: beginning to exist or develop
touting: to solicit business, employment, votes, or the like, importunately
4. What connections to life?
I did not realize why I could remember things with stories better than a dull fact. When I look in the text book and see a picture or a diagram with a caption that tells a story, I can cleary remember it, whereas when I try to memorize definitions, it is much harder to recall.
5. Questions
-What does McKee have that is different from other 'teachers' of screenwriting?
-If learning to develope storytelling skills is extremely important, would little kids who read stories everyday be better at the job than adults who do not read very often?
-Although people criticize movies and novels that sound like only the names have changed from another movie or novel, isn't that the only way to link the story to people's lives?
(For example, people tend to not enjoy fictional stories like 'astroboy', but then most stories will sound similar to fit the 'relatable' standard)
-What would appeal to the majority more, realistic story or an interesting story?
6. Others
It surprised me that a young boy can now find the kind of information that a librarian at Cambridge University would have found fifteen years ago, just as fast. It was interesting to read that the author thinks that 'the hero's journey' is the underlying story of this book. Also I have never heard of Robert McKee. I think it is really cool that his students have gone on to win 26 Academy awards.
http://www.mckeestory.com/about.php <- Robert McKee's website
2. What did you already know?
I knew that some medical schools and hospitals are now trying to examine the patient's life, not just their illness alone. I also knew that many people are now incorporating stories into their business to attract people's attention.
3. New words
factoid: an insignificant or trivial fact
peril: exposure to injury
felicitous: well-suited for the occasion
encapsulate: to place in or as if in a capsule
abyss: a deep, immeasurable space
irascible: easily provoked to anger
nascent: beginning to exist or develop
touting: to solicit business, employment, votes, or the like, importunately
4. What connections to life?
I did not realize why I could remember things with stories better than a dull fact. When I look in the text book and see a picture or a diagram with a caption that tells a story, I can cleary remember it, whereas when I try to memorize definitions, it is much harder to recall.
5. Questions
-What does McKee have that is different from other 'teachers' of screenwriting?
-If learning to develope storytelling skills is extremely important, would little kids who read stories everyday be better at the job than adults who do not read very often?
-Although people criticize movies and novels that sound like only the names have changed from another movie or novel, isn't that the only way to link the story to people's lives?
(For example, people tend to not enjoy fictional stories like 'astroboy', but then most stories will sound similar to fit the 'relatable' standard)
-What would appeal to the majority more, realistic story or an interesting story?
6. Others
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg. 87-99
1. What surprised you?
The part where it tells you to note what annoys me and think of how I can improve the design was really interesting.
2. What did you already know?
I already knew that there are websites to create your own designs for shoes, cars, and anything else you can possibly design on your own. But the websites were really cool.
3. Brand new words
acuity: sharpness
consigned: to hand over or deliver
saltshakers: container to put salt in with a lid to shake salt out
seminal: containing seed
4. What changes will you make?
I should carry around little notebooks to jot down cool and, or bad designs.
Also, I am planning on going to the interior design field trip.
5. Further questions
-Isn't there enough designs that once we start creating more, it would just be a mess and people would look for originals?
6. Life connections
I could relate to the annoyance talk. Sometimes even with my house structure, I get annoyed and some designs (ex. scissors, pens, mouse (computer), calculator, and many other things). Small things can really make big differences.
7. Other comments
The part where it tells you to note what annoys me and think of how I can improve the design was really interesting.
2. What did you already know?
I already knew that there are websites to create your own designs for shoes, cars, and anything else you can possibly design on your own. But the websites were really cool.
3. Brand new words
acuity: sharpness
consigned: to hand over or deliver
saltshakers: container to put salt in with a lid to shake salt out
seminal: containing seed
4. What changes will you make?
I should carry around little notebooks to jot down cool and, or bad designs.
Also, I am planning on going to the interior design field trip.
5. Further questions
-Isn't there enough designs that once we start creating more, it would just be a mess and people would look for originals?
6. Life connections
I could relate to the annoyance talk. Sometimes even with my house structure, I get annoyed and some designs (ex. scissors, pens, mouse (computer), calculator, and many other things). Small things can really make big differences.
7. Other comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I am at the public library!
I have to study for math,socials,bio AND AND chem....but I think I have time to post a random....journal :)
You people need to hurry up and update your blogs with new .. um.. homework!
I kind of had to do it on monday because that was the only day i had internet at home.
Ah, i better go study.
see you tomorrow everyone~~~~
I have to study for math,socials,bio AND AND chem....but I think I have time to post a random....journal :)
You people need to hurry up and update your blogs with new .. um.. homework!
I kind of had to do it on monday because that was the only day i had internet at home.
Ah, i better go study.
see you tomorrow everyone~~~~
Monday, April 5, 2010
[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg. 62-86
1) What surprised you?
I have never looked at design as a combination of utility and significance, so the talk about toasters being devoted to significance 99% of the time was really interesting. I did not know about CHAD and I think it is a very smart approach to have students who are in a situation in which they are not educated well to get motivated with their artistic ability. I felt good when it said design is something that everyone does everyday, because I never considered myself as a designer of any kind. I did not know that Times New Roman may now be used in all documents. It was also surprising to know that for every percent of sales invested in product design, a company's sales and profits rise by an average of 3 to 4 percent.
2) What did you already know?
I was already well aware that design is what makes difference. I knew that in Korea, designing was not popular, but now many universities offer different types of design classes. I also knew that green designs are getting more attention, and that there are many environmental friendly products being designed.
3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
lament: to feel or express sorrow or regret for
consoled: to lessen the grief, sorrow, or disappointment
interdisciplinary: combining or involving two or more academic disciplines or fields of study
feat: a noteworthy or extraordinary act or achievementt:
haven: a harbor or port
loincloth: a piece of cloth worn around the loins or hips
infiltrated: to filter into or through
drab: dull
memorandum: a short note designating something to be remembered
labyrinths: an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit
abominable: repugnantly hateful
brouhaha: excited public interest
enclave: to isolate or enclose
chagrin: a feeling of vexation
recalcitrant: resisting authority or control
confer: to consult together
4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
5) What questions has this left you with?
Why did patients who were in better-designed hospitals recover faster than patients in not appealing hospitals?
What is the probability of getting a stable job as a designer? (because not many succeed)
6) What connections have you made to real life?
I totally agree with the result that younger students are more confident whereas older students are very self-conscious. At my house, we have a monkey shaped potato peeler, beer bottle shaped opener, cone shaped vaccuum cleaner, and many other things that have very interesting designs.
7) Additional comments.
I think CHAD is a really good school for any student interested in art, because it not only teaches you information, but also connects those information with art. http://www.chadphila.org/gallery.html <- a link to pictures of the students' work
I have never looked at design as a combination of utility and significance, so the talk about toasters being devoted to significance 99% of the time was really interesting. I did not know about CHAD and I think it is a very smart approach to have students who are in a situation in which they are not educated well to get motivated with their artistic ability. I felt good when it said design is something that everyone does everyday, because I never considered myself as a designer of any kind. I did not know that Times New Roman may now be used in all documents. It was also surprising to know that for every percent of sales invested in product design, a company's sales and profits rise by an average of 3 to 4 percent.
2) What did you already know?
I was already well aware that design is what makes difference. I knew that in Korea, designing was not popular, but now many universities offer different types of design classes. I also knew that green designs are getting more attention, and that there are many environmental friendly products being designed.
3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
lament: to feel or express sorrow or regret for
consoled: to lessen the grief, sorrow, or disappointment
interdisciplinary: combining or involving two or more academic disciplines or fields of study
feat: a noteworthy or extraordinary act or achievementt:
haven: a harbor or port
loincloth: a piece of cloth worn around the loins or hips
infiltrated: to filter into or through
drab: dull
memorandum: a short note designating something to be remembered
labyrinths: an intricate combination of paths or passages in which it is difficult to find one's way or to reach the exit
abominable: repugnantly hateful
brouhaha: excited public interest
enclave: to isolate or enclose
chagrin: a feeling of vexation
recalcitrant: resisting authority or control
confer: to consult together
4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
5) What questions has this left you with?
Why did patients who were in better-designed hospitals recover faster than patients in not appealing hospitals?
What is the probability of getting a stable job as a designer? (because not many succeed)
6) What connections have you made to real life?
I totally agree with the result that younger students are more confident whereas older students are very self-conscious. At my house, we have a monkey shaped potato peeler, beer bottle shaped opener, cone shaped vaccuum cleaner, and many other things that have very interesting designs.
7) Additional comments.
I think CHAD is a really good school for any student interested in art, because it not only teaches you information, but also connects those information with art. http://www.chadphila.org/gallery.html <- a link to pictures of the students' work
Thursday, April 1, 2010
[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg. 54-61
1) What surprised you?
It was surprising to know that MFA and the new MBA. I was surpised that the number of graphic designers had increased and that some 240 US universities have established creative writing MFA programs. Also it was interesting to find out that one North London football club even has its own poet in residence to inspire the rest of its staff.
2) What did you already know?
I was aware of the fact that if you don't do well on aptitude tests, everywhere you turn the access routes to success in our society are blocked. I have also heard of the number of registered male nurses increasing.
3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
cinch: a firm hold
credentials: evidence of authority, status, rights
litigious: argumentative
rapport: relation; connection
curators: the person in charge of a museum
4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
I want to know more about graphic designing. I think it very interesting, because you are not only using a traditional designing method, but you are using the new technology to do it.
5) What questions has this left you with?
-If IQ accounts for 4 to 10 % of career success, how much does EQ affect career success?
6) What connections have you made to real life?
"In elementary school, we assess children's IQs. Later on, we measure their skills in reading amd math-then plot their scores against children from the rest of the state, the country, and the world. By the time kids arrive in high school, they're preparing for the SAT, the desert they must cross to reach the promised land of a good job and a happy life."
When I read this little part, I could relate to this so much that I underlined the whole thing.
7) Additional comments.
It was really really interesting to read about the Rainbow Project where they give students five blank New Yorker cartoons and make them create humorous captions.
This is a link to more description about the Rainbow Project.
It was surprising to know that MFA and the new MBA. I was surpised that the number of graphic designers had increased and that some 240 US universities have established creative writing MFA programs. Also it was interesting to find out that one North London football club even has its own poet in residence to inspire the rest of its staff.
2) What did you already know?
I was aware of the fact that if you don't do well on aptitude tests, everywhere you turn the access routes to success in our society are blocked. I have also heard of the number of registered male nurses increasing.
3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
cinch: a firm hold
credentials: evidence of authority, status, rights
litigious: argumentative
rapport: relation; connection
curators: the person in charge of a museum
4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
I want to know more about graphic designing. I think it very interesting, because you are not only using a traditional designing method, but you are using the new technology to do it.
5) What questions has this left you with?
-If IQ accounts for 4 to 10 % of career success, how much does EQ affect career success?
6) What connections have you made to real life?
"In elementary school, we assess children's IQs. Later on, we measure their skills in reading amd math-then plot their scores against children from the rest of the state, the country, and the world. By the time kids arrive in high school, they're preparing for the SAT, the desert they must cross to reach the promised land of a good job and a happy life."
When I read this little part, I could relate to this so much that I underlined the whole thing.
7) Additional comments.
It was really really interesting to read about the Rainbow Project where they give students five blank New Yorker cartoons and make them create humorous captions.
This is a link to more description about the Rainbow Project.
[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg. 48-53
1) What surprised you?
-I was surprised that there are more evidences about the emergence R-Directed thinkers than what I had expected. On page 51, he says"...today depends on being able to do something that overseas knowledge workers can't do cheaper, that powerful computers can't do faster...". It was sort of a reality check for me, because that quote made me connect what he had said before to my life. It was also interesting to read about how students who study paintings excel at noticing subtle details about a patient's condition.
2) What did you already know?
I already knew that L-Directed Thinking remains indispensable, and that it is just no longer sufficient from reading previous chapters.
3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
empathizer (empathy): vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another
parity: equality, as in amount, status, or character
elicit: to draw or bring out or forth
bastion: the act of fortifying or strengthening
unrelenting: not easing or slackening in severity
vaunted: praised boastfully
lucrative: profitable
ailing: sickly
periphery: the external boundary of any surface or area
4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
I should research more about the 'art' business and how it connects to many other businesses. I also want to find out how good the students who study painting are in medical observation area.
5) What questions has this left you with?
-How can a business have both L-Directed workers and R-Directed workers in need so that L-Directed workers do not suddenly get fired?
-Is the 'art business' referring to visual art business or general artists?
6) What connections have you made to real life?
The part where he talks about the competition to get into good universities was totally relatable. I wish by the time my kids graduate, the universities change their requirements, not only about the aptitude tests but also about R-Directed thinking abilities.
7) Additional comments.
Figure 3.2 was cool...:D
This is a link to an article about the students in Yale School of Medicine taking art observation class. (They have to diagnose individuals portrayed in the art work.) It showed a nearly 10% improvement in students' ability to detect important details.
-I was surprised that there are more evidences about the emergence R-Directed thinkers than what I had expected. On page 51, he says"...today depends on being able to do something that overseas knowledge workers can't do cheaper, that powerful computers can't do faster...". It was sort of a reality check for me, because that quote made me connect what he had said before to my life. It was also interesting to read about how students who study paintings excel at noticing subtle details about a patient's condition.
2) What did you already know?
I already knew that L-Directed Thinking remains indispensable, and that it is just no longer sufficient from reading previous chapters.
3) Any new words? Provide definitions.
empathizer (empathy): vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another
parity: equality, as in amount, status, or character
elicit: to draw or bring out or forth
bastion: the act of fortifying or strengthening
unrelenting: not easing or slackening in severity
vaunted: praised boastfully
lucrative: profitable
ailing: sickly
periphery: the external boundary of any surface or area
4) What changes will you make as a result of reading this?
I should research more about the 'art' business and how it connects to many other businesses. I also want to find out how good the students who study painting are in medical observation area.
5) What questions has this left you with?
-How can a business have both L-Directed workers and R-Directed workers in need so that L-Directed workers do not suddenly get fired?
-Is the 'art business' referring to visual art business or general artists?
6) What connections have you made to real life?
The part where he talks about the competition to get into good universities was totally relatable. I wish by the time my kids graduate, the universities change their requirements, not only about the aptitude tests but also about R-Directed thinking abilities.
7) Additional comments.
Figure 3.2 was cool...:D
This is a link to an article about the students in Yale School of Medicine taking art observation class. (They have to diagnose individuals portrayed in the art work.) It showed a nearly 10% improvement in students' ability to detect important details.
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