Thursday, March 4, 2010

[Questions] A Whole New Mind - pg.17-27

1) I learned about Amygdalas, which play crucial role in processing emotions, especially fear. I was surprised by the discovery that if it is something we've learned from experience, our left hemisphere works. It was interesting to read about L-Directed thinking and R-Directed thinking.

2) I knew that left hemisphere can rapidly go through sequential reasoning. I also knew that both left and right hemispheres always work together.

3) disdained - to regard or threat with haughty contempt; despise
transcendent - exceeding usual limits

4) I think I will start to look at things at a different angle, seeing things more right-brain way and different; intead of simply looking at what it looks like to me. I actually want to know more about neuroscientist, too.

5) -If our brains are all same in general shape and they function the same way, why do some people tend to prefer computer-like reasoning and others prefer non-linear reasoning?

- What is it that will be the turning point of this "change" from Information Age to a whole new mind?

6) I like the way this book is organized. Leading sentences from one chapter to another makes me curious.

7) I think I am more of a L-directed thinker. I tend to feel comfortable with strict, detailed plans and definite answers.